
Rita Barnard
Professor of English and Comparative Literature rbarnard@english.upenn.eduWebsite

Herman Beavers
Julie Beren Platt & Marc E. Platt President's Distinguished Professor of English and Africana Studies hbeavers@upenn.eduWebsite

Warren Breckman
Sheldon and Lucy Hackney Professor of History breckman@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Roger Chartier
Annenberg Visiting Professor in History Professor at the College de Francechartier@history.upenn.eduWebsite

Rita Copeland
Sheli Z. and Burton X. Rosenberg Professor of English and Comparative Literature rcopelan@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Margo Nathalie Crawford
Professor of English margocr@english.upenn.eduWebsite

David L. Eng
Richard L. Fisher Professor of English Faculty Director of the Program in Asian American Studiesdeng@english.upenn.eduWebsite

James English
John Welsh Centennial Professor of English Faculty Director, Price Lab for Digital Humanitiesjenglish@english.upenn.eduWebsite

Kristen R. Ghodsee
Professor of Russian and East European Studies Website

Nili Gold
Professor of Modern Hebrew Language & Literature niligold@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Andrea Goulet
Professor of French and Francophone Studies Graduate Chair--Francophone, Italian and Germanic Studies (FIGS)agoulet@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Ayako Kano
Professor of Japanese Literature, Performance, and Gender Studies akano@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Suvir Kaul
A. M. Rosenthal Professor of English kaul@english.upenn.eduWebsite

David Kazanjian
Professor of English and Comparative Literature kazanjia@english.upenn.eduWebsite

Ania Loomba
Catherine Bryson Professor of English loomba@english.upenn.eduWebsite

Sheila Murnaghan
Alfred Reginald Allen Memorial Professor of Greek smurnagh@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Josephine Park
Professor of English jnpark3@english.upenn.eduWebsite

Kevin M.F. Platt
Professor of Russian and East European Studies kmfplatt@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Gerald J. Prince
Professor of French and Francophone Studies gprince@babel.ling.upenn.eduWebsite

Jean-Michel Rabaté
Professor of English and Comparative Literature jmrabate@english.upenn.eduWebsite

Karen Redrobe
Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe Endowed Professor in Film Studies redkaren@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Simon Richter
Class of 1942 Endowed Term Professor of German srichter@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Megan Eaton Robb
Julie and Martin Franklin Assistant Professor of South Asian Religions robbme@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Timothy Rommen
Chair, Department of Music Davidson Kennedy Professor in the College; Departments of Music and Africana Studiestrommen@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Teemu Ruskola
Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations; Professor of Law truskola@upenn.eduWebsite

Paul Saint-Amour
Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Humanities & Professor of English psain@english.upenn.eduWebsite

Michael Solomon
Professor of Romance Languages solomonm@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Deborah Thomas
R. Jean Brownlee Professor of Anthropology Deborah.Thomas@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

David Wallace
Judith Rodin Professor of English dwallace@english.upenn.eduWebsite

Liliane Weissberg
Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor in the School of Arts & Sciences lweissbe@sas.upenn.eduWebsite

Emily Wilson
Professor of Classical Studies emilyw@sas.upenn.eduWebsite