Anna Linetskaya

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Ph.D. Candidate

Anna Linetskaya’s proposed plan of study focuses, inter alia, on the role of linguistic subversion—and prostorechie in particular—in the narrative ethics and aesthetics of Russophone prose and its regional variations. Drawing on classical and contemporary Russophone texts originating in what historically has been represented as a "cultural periphery," Anna plans to investigate the (often inadvertent) mistranslations and misinterpretations that have the power to strip the speakers from self-identification, thus precluding adequate positioning of the speakers in the larger cultural and sociopolitical context.

Before coming to U Penn, Anna developed, taught, and facilitated a wide range of undergraduate courses on Russian literature and world humanities at the City College of New York, including an experimental summer intensive that combined elements of textual analysis, translation theory, and creative writing. She is excited to bring similar creative experimentation into her intended field of study.