Adelheid Voskuhl


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Associate Professor

Heidi Voskuhl's teaches the history of technology from the early modern to the modern period. Her broader interests include the philosophy of technology, the history of philosophy, theories of textuality and culture, Science and Technology Studies, and modern intellectual and cultural history. _Androids in the Enlightenment: Mechanics, Artisans, and Cultures of the Self_ (University of Chicago Press, 2013). Winner of the Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History of the American Philosophical Society, 2014. “Industrialization as a Historical Episode.” _Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences_ 50 (1-2) (2020): 50-57. “Emancipation in the Industrial Age: Technology, Rationality, and the Cold War in Habermas’s Early Epistemology and Social Theory.” _Modern Intellectual History_ 13:2 (2016), 479-505. “Engineering Philosophy: Theories of Technology, German Idealism, and Social Order in High-Industrial Germany.” _Technology and Culture_ 57, issue 3 (2016). “Self-Knowledge in the History of Technology: Industrialism, Cultural Analysis, and Desire.” _History and Technology_ 30:3 (2014), 275-279.