Penn Public Lecture: Emily Greenwood (Harvard) “Tecumseh and the Shadow of Thucydides"

5:00pm - November/10/2022

In the first of her Penn Public Lectures on Classical Antiquity and the Contemporary World, Emily Greenwood will discuss the classicizing mythologization of the Shawnee leader Tecumseh in nineteenth-century accounts by white observers, focusing on the interpolation of rhetoric from Thucydides in the transmitted accounts of Tecumseh’s speech to a Choctaw Council in Mississippi in 1811. The lecture will consider the challenge that this example poses to the teaching of the history of American rhetoric and its implications for the horizons of knowledge for which we are responsible in the interdisciplinary Humanities. Greenwood will also reflect on her own lessons, as a non-native scholar, about the risk of redoubling loss by focusing on classicizing erasure in the archives to the exclusion of the living history of the Shawnee tribes.

Locations;  Widener Lecture Hall, Penn Museum (3260 South St.) and via Zoom

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