Daniel da Silva on Trans Tessituras: Queer Repertoires and Black Diaspora in Lusophone Popular Music

5:00pm - March/1/2022

This talk features new analytics for hearing and discerning transgressive voices and bodies in hegemonic cultural matrices, and critiques that North-South trajectory and hemispheric demarcations of scholarship on/in Brazil by reading lusophone cultural repertories as formations of Black queer diasporas. 

Dr. Daniel da Silva is assistant professor of Spanish and Portuguese at Rutgers University. His forthcoming book, Trans Tessituras: Transatlantic and Transgender Bodies of Luso-Afro-Brazilian Popular Music analyzes contemporary queer artists in Brazil, Portugal and Angola to reveal how they transgress and remake the gendered conventions of popular lusophone music genres. A second manuscript, Favela Feminism, is also forthcoming.

Co-sponsored by The Center for Research in Feminist, Queer, and Transgender Studies, and the Program for Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies

This will be an in person talk. 

Masks and Green Pass through Penn Open Pass, as well as sign-in are required to attend in person. 

 Penn Open Campus (non-Penn) are required for attendance. (Penn Open Campus: https://pennopen.med.upenn.edu/campus ).
Attendees who are visitors must attest to having been vaccinated and register their contact information in the event follow-up.

Location:  GSWS Conference Room, Fisher-Bennett Hall 345, 3340 Walnut St.